On Wednesday, 5 July 2023, the Albemarle AUXCOMM Inc Board of Directors voted to dissolve the corporation. Further information will be made available here.

Auxiliary Communications (AUXCOMM) refers to the broad range of volunteer emergency communication personnel and organizations who support emergency responders under the National Incident Management System/Incident Command System (NIMS/ICS). Auxiliary Communicators (AUXC) can be credentialed for nationwide deployment after a rigorous course of training and examination by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cyberinfrastructure and Infrastructure Security Agency (CICS) AUXCOMM program.

Albemarle AUXCOMM supports the Albemarle/Charlottesville/UVA Office of Emergency Management (and through it, other public and private organizations involved in emergency planning and response).

Please look at the volunteer expectations on the “Volunteer” page (linked above).

If you are interested in being an Albemarle AUXCOMM volunteer, contact Mike at ec@auxcommalb.org. He will arrange a time to talk about your interest and skills, and to work out how you can best serve our community.